Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Learning to dance and a rather large number of tulips

Today I've managed to take a little bit of time out.  We take breaks at funny times us florists.

Most would consider a break to be sitting down with a cup of hot chocolate whilst doing the crossword, time out to walk the dog or wandering round the Trafford Centre.  But as I've run out of hot chocolate, can never achieve much on the Times crossword, don't have a dog and I view clothes shopping as a chore that must be got through in order to reap the benefits (much like weeding your patio I suppose) I took a couple of hours off to go and learn a new foxtrot and revise the quickstep and the waltz.  I do this in readiness for my exams.

Exams - yes exams.  Mad - yes mad.  But we all like a little challenge I suppose?

We all love it when Len says 'Severrrrn' don't we?  Fingers crossed.

On the way back it occured to me that I'd not blogged the wedding of the tulips.  This was a treat indeed.  Siobhan was a fab bride.  So much fun.  She wore red converse under the posh frock.  Very, very cool.  She's a teacher of English and used to send me letters.  On her quote I used elaborate language.  She gave me top marks.

I miss her.

Here's the day of tulips taken by me, a photographer that never will be.


Laura x

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